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Sep 5, 2009

It is what it is

Yes. Another blog. What is that now...3...4? Too many to count?

The old blog will remain, but it may go private soon. Call me paranoid, but I was and still would love to use it more as a journal of our lives and I was constantly hesitant about doing so. I also would never link my blog up at certain sites because I still wanted it to be private...without actually making it private. So, I've decided to start this one and it will be public and where I will share my crafty things, recipes, and whatever else I decide on. I'll still talk about the fam too of course because...well...they are my life. This blog would be boring and it would be a crime to not show off the little kidlets once in awhile. Who am I kidding? It will probably be a lot. hehe. I digress....here's to a new blog.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

absolutely love the banner! very cool