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May 31, 2011

After a long weekend.

I love long weekends. We relaxed  and did nothing productive for 3 days straight.
No yardwork. No errands. Just stayed home and played, watched movies, read books, took naps.
It was perfect and we needed it.
The weather wasn't great...cold and cloudy, so it didn't make me feel guilty at all.
We did get out yesterday and the kids rode their bikes around. Landon is thisclose to riding without training wheels and we really wanted to get out and practice with him. He's never had any desire to learn or even ride his bike, but finally...FINALLY he wants to learn and he did really well.

Today I'm refreshed and ready for summer. We have two more weeks left of school and then we embark on a whole new journey...homeschooling. I'm going through the kid's clothes and getting their summer clothes out and into their closets. Hopefully warm weather will follow.

I also managed to get a little scrapbooking done last night and I think I may squeeze a little more time in today...hopefully!

These are all pictures I had printed for Cohen's first birthday party. I hung them on a banner over the table. Since I had them all printed I decided to use them on a layout even though they're much bigger than I would normally use. It's a little crowded, but I like to see the progression. It's a little weird to look back at his first year and realize that he'll be two in just about a month. Crazy how fast it goes.


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