washi tape download from here

Aug 15, 2011

Today was our first day of homeschooling. I had planned on starting after Labor day, but it just seemed SO far away. It's getting hot here and in the afternoons we're usually inside anyway, so why not? I may not have everything done or perfectly organized, but it was fine and it went pretty smoothly. I know we're going to eventually get into a better routine and that's why I started early. We're learning together as we go...and hopefully having fun and enjoying each other most of the time too. Actually now that I think about it there wasn't a single argument all day long. hmmm...I wonder if that will last?!

I also wanted to share some layouts I did last weekend.

 He thinks it's his job to get to the eggs as soon as he wakes up in the morning. I'm trying to assign certain days for each of them to check, but it's just SO hard for him. I really do understand...it's fun to see what's in there! The last couple of days we've been getting some GIANT eggs from 2 of our chickens.

 This one was really hard to photograph for some reason, but I love it. I took these pictures a couple of weeks ago and I just had to print them out right away. She's so fun to watch with the puppies. What a sweetie.

 This was in California...oh how I'm missing California lately.

A quick one of Cohen. What a chunk he was! Every time I look through pictures I get the itch to have another one. Must. Stop. Looking.

Well, that's it for now!


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