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Oct 15, 2011

Pumpkin patch 2011

We did our annual trip to the pumpkin patches... we hit two of them in the same day. Luckily they're basically on the same road. I like them both for different reasons and what one lacks the other one has. It just works to go to both.
I had them dressed in cute sweaters, but it was so hot when we got there that they took them off. I wasn't going to torture them for pictures...thought about it, but couldn't do it. ;)

Here's a picture from last year. 

and one from this year. I'm no better at getting all three of them to look at the same time than I was last year. Is it even possible...if so I need to learn the trick.  How much bigger do they look though?! Ack. They are growing up WAY too fast.

Enjoy your weekend! We're off to a soccer game this afternoon and then maybe finishing up a chalkboard wall in the schoolroom. Fun stuff.


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