washi tape download from here

Oct 12, 2011

First day

 I remember the day when all the public schools started and I had a momentary, "what the heck am I doing?" moment. I realized that I hadn't registered them for school and it was officially too late to change my mind. No turning back.
It's been challenging, and there have been times I wished I could drive them school and drop them off and pick them up hours later. Then there's days that show me this was the right choice for our family. Luckily the good days outnumber the hard days. I know homeschooling isn't for everyone and I'm not even saying it's right for our family forever. All I know is that after being unhappy last year I knew we needed to make some changes. After a LOT of praying I kept coming back to homeschooling.
I'm seeing benefits every day. Just because every day isn't easy and perfect doesn't mean that they aren't learning or that I'm not doing a good job. They are learning and they are happy and that's enough for me right now.

Super quick and easy layout. I may be slightly obsessed with those foldies right now. ;)

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