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Jan 27, 2012

Jumping back in with layouts to share

I could make ten million excuses for not blogging, but only one would be excuseable. Someone who will remain nameless dropped my computer shortly after I last blogged. Luckily it was an accident and he's cute and hard to keep a grudge against ;).  Kind of put a kink in finishing my December Daily...which by the way is still sitting uncompleted on my desk. I do plan on finishing since I still kept taking pictures and keeping notes, but I'm not planning on sharing. I don't think anyone including myself wants to see Christmas stuff right now.

I did finally get a new computer a few weeks ago...a desktop this time. Not risking a dropped laptop again. Holy big mess that was. Yikes.

Not knowing how to jump back into blogging I thought I would just share a couple of layouts today.


1 comment:

Sasha Farina said...

such lovely layouts! come back to blogland! :)