washi tape download from here

Aug 23, 2011


This boy turned 7. 

Loves Legos and Bionicles. Loves playing outside and climbing trees.  Getting taller and skinnier every day. The other day he put on pants that he hasn't worn in a few weeks and they were complete highwaters. I'm amazed at how much he is growing...and eating. He raids the pantry all. the. time. He's creative and smart, but would rather be playing in the dirt than reading...we're working on the reading though. He loves doing science projects and learning about things and I hope know he will thrive homeschooling this year. Love that boy.

I've been scrapbooking a lot. 

On the agenda today? Clean off dining room table after said scrapbooking fest. I'll be back tomorrow to share another layout.



@JoyceCasaldi said...

First, love how you did the little digi washi tape on your header. Where do I find that?

And cute pages, yeah for scrap fests!

Donna said...

OMG that layout is adorable!!!!!! I could so you some scrap away time....

Mary Jo said...

Cute title for your layout and I love the combo of photos! :)
My son is also a Lego fanatic! He just turned nine in May :)